Hello everyone! I hope you are all well :)


My apologies for being away for so long! I was quite unsure of what next step to take (which usually means I don't make any decision at all). But in this case, I think it was needed. I'm currently going through a very interesting season, that includes a lot of trials, tests, challenges, and needs a lot of trust in God. I wasn't sure if I would be able to commit to regular posts with the things I'm having to learn, happening at the same time. But this post is to say that I will be committing to this website, and will just be sharing the lessons I have learnt/will learn in this season, with you. I think it is fitting to start with a little bit on seasons themselves. I ask you to consider what season you are currently in. Is there something you've been hoping/praying for? Are you going through a very difficult and dry time? Have many of your prayers been answered recently? As the Bible depicts (and Madison Ryann Ward sings so nicely) we will  go through many different seasons of our life. Some can feel terribly unfair or unjustified, others can feel like a dream. But I just want to leave some encouragement for those who feel stuck, hopeless, or lost. 

Many characters in the Bible go through really trying times, with some telling God how they really feel. An example of a person who pleads with God in a season of barreness is Rachel (my name sake of course :)).