Hello everyone! I hope you are well :)
I have taken up the practice of reflecting back on my day, taking time to rest and sit in God's presence. It is so refreshing, and has been something I look forward to at the end of the day. This past week in particular has been indeed, a week of miracles. I will now get into my week :)
This week has been special for me. A lot of my hopes and desires have been closely listened to, where prayers - and things that weren't even seen as possible in my eyes - were brought to past. I'm honestly in shock for how the week has been! I thought it would be fitting to create an appreciation post about it.
On Monday, I was given back my 2nd year university results. I'm going to be honest, there were MANY times where I didn't even think I would pass, needing to resit exams or even just leave uni completely. A lot had happened in the academic year. Unprecedented things, like the passing of my mum. To really top it off, I was looking for a placement in the midst of all this. I can't believe I'm still standing, let alone achieving a 2:1, and being approx 7% off a first. I can't even. I thought I wouldn't have the requirements to do a dissertation, or go on to do my placement (I mean the fact that I have a placement is amazing in itself). Basically, things were looking bleak. Clearly, that was not God's reality for me. Instead, God made a way. Ahhh just realised that's the name of the song I put in my post when I finished my 24hr exam and 2nd year overall loool, sorry. Not only this, but I attended a Christian dance class. The title alone is a miracle. Never in my life did I think I would attend such a thing. If there's anything I thought would be impossible, it was that. I am extremely passionate about dance, and have seen in the Bible that we should glorify God in everything we do (1 Corinthians 10:31 -> "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.) But I wondered how I could glorify God with my love for choreographed dance, and I still think about this often. However, this dance class was a step in the best possible direction. I'm in total awe and admiration.
Then, after this dance class (something that I didn't even think I could make), I heard a preaching on CLAM's Sunday Service (Christ Livingspring Apostolic Ministry). Now, I had felt very bad about missing church for an outing essentially. I felt very selfish, and to be completely honest, sacred. What happens next is very interesting though. I had been fasting for a couple of days prior to this service, to hear from God about a very very specific thing. Lo and behold, he preached on this very topic, and I received the communication I was looking for.
I knew a week like this had to end in a bang, but I thought it would just look like me eating out or something, not receiving all this blessing and communication from God. I am grateful. I have the joy of the Lord, that happy for no reason. Even when I'm knackered.
I want my life to reflect gratitude to God and His Character. I pray that in everything, I meditate on how I can do this.
Once again, thank you for reading. I really enjoy making these posts, and can't wait to continue. Please email me with your own testimonies and encounters with the Lord, I would love to read them :)
Have a blessed week, I love you with the love of God.