I hope you are all well :)

It is Rachel again, back to share what I have learnt and been shown concerning the verse..


ROMANS 8:28-> 'And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.'


Romans 8:28 is a verse of encouragement and reassurance, written by the apostle Paul (who was previously named Saul) used to persecute followers of Christ. However, after his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus, he was left forever changed. He goes on to preach the good news to everyone and anyone. Something specific about Paul is that he often suffered because of the work he did, yet, he can confidently state within this chapter that he knows, and we should all know, that God will be involved in everything, to work for our good. I think this in itself is extremely encouraging and faith-building. 


This entire chapter describes what it's like to be a child of God, experiencing and living in the freedom that Jesus Christ has made possible for us. To let us know that we can live in confidence because of this fact. It tells us how the spirit that lives within us makes it possible to lead a life pleasing to God, as it's only through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13) that we can do anything, including living in accordance with the spirit and not the flesh. For this post, I wanted to focus on Romans 8:28, and what it tells me.


A point that I felt was important to mention was how the verse says 'all things'. I watched a podcast that mentioned how not all things that happen to us would be what we'd prefer. Whether it's because they are difficult or painful, these are the same aspects of our lives that God is working in, for our good. But I don't think as humans, we really take time to recognise this. Pondering and meditating on a God who is in every situation we find ourselves in, out of our best interest, would make a significant impact on our spiritual lives, but also to our everyday lives. You'll go through life differently when you understand that this is God's plan for us, that is inevitable. I really believe this. I don't think that great faith will come in a day. However, I believe we should allow verses like this to stir up our faith day by day, little by little, to the point where within us there is no fear nor shaking when we face trials. It also means that when we do see everything come together so seamlessly and supernaturally, we should not be surprised or ignorant about where it came from. Instead, we can direct our awe and appreciation straight to God in thanksgiving, because you know where it comes from, it is written here. So no matter the season we find ourselves passing through, we know that God is in the midst of it, working everything out.

Another aspect I thought was important to point out was how this verse highlights we need God to fit the events of our life together for us, because we cannot do alone. In short, this verse indirectly highlights that we need God. We are reliant on Him to be in those difficult times with us so that are pain is not meaningless. We are not capable of orchestrating a perfect outcome following the events of our life. It is not possible for us. We cannot zoom out and see the bigger picture of our lives, we cannot see the intricate details of our life that intertwine with others, nor can we see what is to come. Putting that trust in God when things look upside down can be challenging, but doable. It is necessary for us to put our faith in the One who can do what we cannot, otherwise we will not have peace or joy. All of this considered, it is not possible for us to declare ourselves worthy or capable of such a task. It is only God who can do such a thing. 

Finally, I wanted to address a thought I had. When reading the verse, I noticed how it says God will work for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. I thought to myself, 'What if I don't love God enough?' 'How do I know I'm called according to His purpose?' Upon reading the rest of chapter 8, it was made clear to me in the following verses of verse 28 exactly what I needed to know. Verse 29-30 says, 'For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.' I believe this wraps this up quite neatly for us. I like to think God knew there would be some who wonder this same thing, who time to time question their worth, while also having questions around their identity, with this being the reason why Paul was inspired or instructed to specifically write this. Our identity is who we are in Christ, and finding this fact extremely comforting, I pray you do too.


To conclude, Romans 8:28 is a verse that we should let take root in our spirits, letting the faith this verse builds help us face any situation to come. Just know that all things, and I know all things, work together for our good because God is the omnipotent God who loves His children. There is no way He does not have your best interest, and if you were ever second guessing this or God's character, we now have the clearest statement to counteract those lies.

I sincerely from the bottom of my heart thank you for reading!! I love you, but God loved you first!

Have a wonderful week, and please let me know of any revelations you have from this verse or chapter!

Lots of Love,


Rachel xoxo