Good day/afternoon/evening everyone :)))
I hope you are well and feeling blessed!
Today, I will be taking a close look at 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Just a very quick side note! If you think you can't memorise verses, you can. I was convinced it was not possible to focus on a verse and actually remember it a week or so after focusing on a different one. I am here to tell you, it is! I think trying to use it in prayer and repeating it to yourself every so often, throughout the day is also very helpful. Just thought I would mention this.
Onto the verses!
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says: 'But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10) That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.'
To begin, I find it fitting to take a look at the chapter on the whole, to get a better understanding of the verses in context. 2 Corinthians chapter 12 was written by Paul, who is mentioned in the previous memory verse! Quite simply, I find him and his writing to be simply blessed. The way he writes is always edifying and thought-provoking, but this chapter in particular really hit. I implore you to read the entire chapter, even if you've done it in the past.
There is great depth in the background of this chapter. Chapter 12 is actually part of the continuous disproving of false prophets, that are trying to lead the Corinthians away from Christ. This was thought o be done through various means. However, what I rally took from the context of this chapter was God's concern for Paul's humility; Paul had been receiving profound visions. As a result of this, God gives him a "thorn" or "stake" in the flesh. Now, this might sound painful or unfair to many, after all, God was the One who gave this gift to Paul, right? What we need to understand is that, in reality, this "thorn" or "stake" keeps us close to God. This leads me to my main point.
We do not need to be perfect. In fact, we are not. Paul says that he asked God three times to take the thorn out, but God replied saying that His grace is sufficient for us. We do not need to be perfect, know everything, or be an expert on everything. It is not a must. Instead, grace is the answer. Grace to understand things we've never experienced, grace to complete something that we can't see getting done, physically etc. God's grace covers it all. I think what Paul means when he says he will continue to boast about his weaknesses is that he's inviting God to get him through life, quite frankly. I think when we have that thorn, either from our own actions or something allowed by God, humility is likely to be the result God wants. Pride is simply good for nothing. How could you know you need God if it's clouding your vision? Never forget, pride is indeed blinding! I feel that 2 Corinthians 4:7, also said by Paul, conveys a similar message. It reads, 'But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.' It's as though we are fragile and kept so, to make sure we recognise our need for God's grace. I personally understand this verse to a degree that surprised me this week. To put this in context, prior to this week, i feel as though I have been on a bit of a 'streak'. What I believe is that I had been doing things and completing tasks, related to God and not, well and sufficiently. I did feel a bit strong and bold and proud etc. I think I reached a place earlier this week where I remembered the strength I have been running to get through this year, academically and personally, as been from above, the entire time. I think it is important to have those times (they're almost like checkpoints!). I actually consider those times to be relieving. Before to get to a point of disarray where we run on our own strength and get burnt out, God reminds us Who the supplier of our strength is. I see that to be a form of love.
Lastly, I wanted to discuss the last line, 'For when I am weak, then I am strong.' I see this as an encouraging word. We know by this that the end result of any points of weakness will be strength. I understand that weakness doesn't just refer to things we're not so good at (as we typically understand it as). I think it also covers sin. Sins that a human may believe has a hold on them, that can never be broken can be pleasantly surprised by what they read in this verse. You were once weak and bogged down in your sin or difficulties, but because you have God, you cannot stay down. Instead, you can be strong through Christ! Sort of like Romans 8:37 which says, 'No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.' God brings you out! If you feel you have nothing to praise God for, or to be thankful today, then you now have your reason ;)
The little I have read of 2 Corinthians has been very enriching, and I aim to continue reading. Paul depicts in this book, but specifically in chapter 12, are need to rely on God. Boasting gladly about your weaknesses sounds like humility. It sounds like a believer coming to God and confessing/ communicating to Him what you're struggling with, what you're battling, or maybe even where your faith is low.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading! I pray you have a blessed and God filled week! Don't wait until Sunday to consider God in your life, He deserves more than that.
Please let me know if you have any revelations or new understanding of this verse/ chapter. My email is in the contact heading, so go ahead and reach out :)
I love you, but God loved you first !
Lots of love,
Rachel xoxo